Definition of ESG:

At Whiptail, ESG is the practice of constantly considering environmental, social, and governance issues in our business strategy, operations, and the way we interact with our various stakeholders.

Key ESG Pillars:

Our approach to managing ESG risks and opportunities is built around five key pillars, as listed below:

  • ESG oversight and governance
  • Engaging Engagement with our stakeholders Materiality assessment
  • Monitoring, reporting, and disclosure
  • ESG metrics and targets


  • Our ESG program recognizes that for Whiptail to be successful over the long-term, our business strategy and operations must be built on a firm foundation which includes ethical and fair business practices, respect for our employees and communities where we do business, managing risk, and seizing opportunity.
  • We recognize that ESG factors can influence, and be influenced by, our business activities.
  • ESG short-comings can escalate into substantial risks for our business if not addressed quickly and appropriately. However, we also know that ESG issues present opportunities to induce positive change, thus serving to increase the overall sustainability and resiliency of our business strategy and operations.
  • ESG considerations are woven into the very fabric of how we operate and do business, including the way we manage our assets, treat our employees, and are integral to the relationships we have with the communities where we live and work.
  • Therefore, wherever possible, our ESG approach seeks to build on the systems we already have, while exploring opportunities to upscale and improve the safety and sustainability of our operations.
Stakeholder Engagement:

Whiptail recognizes the importance of engaging our key stakeholders as a way to share information on our business and activities, listen to concerns and act on the input we receive. We actively seek out the views of our stakeholders, and are committed to building trust through early and frequent engagement, particularly for new projects.


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